Monday, December 8, 2008

Birthday time!

My little girl turned 4!! Soooo.....what to get the little girl that has everything? A big girl bike of course! She loves it and begs us to take her outside everyday. She rides pretty well considering she jumped into this bike from a tiny trike! Now we go for walks and to the park at the end of the street more often. Aaaaahhhhhh to be four again! And yes, since Cadence had a birthday that means I had one too :) Yup.....I'm officially 29! Don't do the math since I have an 11 yr old please! Just play along with me on this one :) Mental breakdowns happen so easily remember?

Sunday, November 9, 2008

A little corny...

Ok, those of you who know me know that I get very passionate about things in my life. Well, I started working for Starbucks about three weeks ago and I just did my final training class today at the training center downtown and I learned soooo much about the company I work for. It's gonna sound totally corny but Starbucks REALLY does do alot for the world! One example, they have this thing called the Cup Fund, basically it is a way of donating a certain dollar amount of your pay check to the fund and Starbucks gives money to employees in need from that. Well, when hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans Starbucks used money from that fund to help the employees that were left without homes by giving them Visa gift cards to help pay for living expenses. Another example was an employee broke her leg and was unable to work for three months, she got money from the fund to make her car payment for those three months. Its just little things like that! For once in my life I am proud of the company I work for. They are providing clean drinking water for poverty stricken nations thru the sales of Ethos water, they have raised the bar on what farmers are paid for their beans and have refused to buy when foreign governments try to take more than their fair share. I don't know how to explain it, it's a feeling I have never had before, a sense of loyalty to a company I just barely started working for. The atmosphere both as a customer and as an employee are amazing! From the first day I felt welcomed and as if I were a part of their little "family". The company truly does care about their employees.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

My top ten drinks

Ok, for you Starbucks fans out there here is a list (that I will update reguarly) of my current top ten favs at work :) no particular order

1. iced venti nonfat 7 pump chai
2. venti iced passion tea with apple juice and 7 pumps melon syrup
3. white mocha
4. green tea latte made with soy milk
5. salted caramel signature hot chocolate with espresso shots
6. eggnog chai with no water
7. iced green tea with 8 pumps classic syrup
8. peppermint white mocha with peppermint whipped cream
9. chai cream frappucino
10. banana orange vivanno with matcha

Blue eyes and red hair...what's not to love?

Dillon is such a little sweetie! Crazy red hair-do and the bluest eyes ever! He's my little terror lately. He is at that age where everything is interesting. He dances to any music he hears, makes the "vroom-vroom" noise while pushing cars around and climbs on EVERYTHING! I love this age! It's one of my all time favorites!

What keeps me busy??

Well, aside form the obvious......many of you know I LOVE sewing! Here are two of my latest designs modeled by the lovely Hannah and Cadence :) Sewing for me is just a great way to wind down at the end of a hectic day and just be in my own little "zone" for a few hours.

Friday, November 7, 2008

My 4 wonders

My 4 wonders....where would I be without them? What can I say, they ARE my life. Brendan and Austin are so great with their little brother and sister! They keep me busy and always have some hard to answer question for me!

Princess Cadence

Here's the princess in the house!! Cadence is such a sweetie! Her personality has just blossomed lately. I am so glad we have her in our lives. She is a constant ball of motion and keeps us on our toes at all times!

Crazy caffinated life

Ok, so I just started working at Starbucks part time a week a few weeks do I NEED the caffine pumped into my veins now!! It has been so great to get out of the house a little and my co-workers are AWESOME! They have all been so great to me :) Greg has been so good about taking over for me in the mornings when I work and the free Starbucks for him is a good incentive too :)